Monday, November 28, 2016

Chapter 15: Marketing Communications.

Volkswagen uses resources like personal selling, social media and public relations as a promotional strategy and knowing that is one of the largest automaker companies in the world this particular strategies have being dramatically good for them. There particular marketing strategy is very good knowing that most f the people knows about Volkswagen and its efficient products. Knowing that we living in a very technological world now a days. one of the most useful strategies Volkswagen is implementing the most is social media advertisement mostly in social medias like Instagram, snapchat, facebook and twitter this particular social medias helped the brand to increase there advertisement even more. 

Volkswagen has being one of the best companies in making an action into the marketing world and advertisement also knowing that is one of the most famous car companies in the world controlling all the market in Europe and more than 20% of the china market. But all those accomplishment couldn't being possible without a great strategy to make a marketing plan to work as good as the company.

Marketing communications is something very essential in Volkswagen but not only in that company but also in all companies who are trying to make a reputation into their companies product and for that to be accomplished marketing communications is something that it has to have a base and a creative strategy.

Social media Resources of advertisement of Volkswagen.

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